Healing Souls One Spirit Piece at a Time ❤️

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Crowdfunding Spirit Pieces Purchase

If you're looking to make a purchase but life's expenses (especially during this difficult time) are stacking up consider creating Go Fund Me campaign to help raise the money to purchase your Spirit Pieces.

Go Fund Me is the personal fundraising division of IndieGoGo, the leading crowdsourcing platform.  It takes just a few minutes to set up a campaign and you can be raising funds in the time it takes to get a cup of Coffee.

For a successful campaign we suggest mentioning:

  • Why you're asking for donations
  • Specifically what you're looking to purchase (including pictures/links will help)
  • Setting a realistic financial goal (raise $300, not $30,000)

Once you set up and launch your fundraising campaign let us know at hello@spiritpieces.com so we can help optimize it.

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