Sell Spirit Pieces!
- Earn 25% of every sale, even if it's with a family you're not working with.
- It's easy! Takes a minute to place an order.
- It's a great share for social media and email.
- Families love it, over 100,000 families served and 15,000+ reviews
Thank you for considering becoming a Spirit Piece affiliate. We're excited to work with you! We primarily work with industry, meaning funeral home and crematoriums, but also work with vets, doulas, gift shops and jewelry homes.
To become a affiliate, please sign up below. If at all possible, use a company email, i.e. joe@smithfh.com vs joe@gmail.com. Our system does not send all alerts (especially purchase alerts) to public domains.
We pay out 25% of the sale value, post discounts but not including shipping or tax.
Read Our FAQ (below signup form) and if you have any remaining questions please contact us at hello@spiritpieces.com
Special offer: Link to us from your website and we'll give you $250 worth of samples. Link must be live prior to samples being sent and this offer only extends to funeral homes, pet crematoriums and veterinarian offices.
Why do you do a percentage of sales vs markup?
Due to the fact this site is targeted toward the general public and provides family discounting along with item sales, it is too complicated to allow for markups normal to the industry.
How often do I get paid?
We send payments for the month on the 15th of the following month. Payment is made by check or paypal.
Is everything on your site applicable towards affiliate sales
Yes, everything
Will I need to handle cremains?
No - not if you're not a business that would be doing this in the course of your operations (i.e. a crematorium.) You can just share the link and ultimately have the family or another interested party handle and submit the cremains.
That link I got looks all technical, is there an alternative?
Yes, we can give you a vanity link such as spiritpieces.com/smithfh you can share with customers. Please email us at hello@spiritpieces.com for your vanity link after signup.
If I share this link with a customer, and they share it with a friend who purchases, will I get credit?
What happens if the customer just types in spiritpieces.com?
In this case you won't get the credit. It's why best practice is for you to bookmark the site and take the order for the customer using your own affiliate link
Are there any other scenarios where I won't be credited?
Our system tracks referrals using cookies. There are ways to turn cookies off on a site (most people don't do this.) For those that do, the purchase won't be recorded. If you think there was a purchase that happened under this scenario but don't see it in your dashboard, please let us know. Additionally, if the purchase happens more than 30 days after a customer visits a site, the order won't be credited.
I see on most of your items the ashes need to be shipped in, how do we capture the cost of this if we're handling the cremation ashes and sending in the kit(s)?
We suggest setting up a service fee where you charge per artist mailed to, which if you're following the rules is about $30 to send priority express with signature. For this reason it may be best to steer customers to ordering all from one artist so there aren't any surprises.
I want to post your work on our own website so we can independently markup - can we do this?
With written permission, yes. However do keep in mind we won't notify you of pricing changes on our side.
How are returns/cancellations handled?
We would deduct this from your next payout.
Other industry companies allow me to set my own price and I make more money per sale, why should we use you?
If you're having a lot of success and meeting all the customer needs you shouldn't, but we have literally 100 fold more items than they do so you'll see a lot more overall sales with us.
I have a customer looking for something, how can I find it on the site?
Best to use the search functionality
How to does the ordering process work and where I can I find more help?
Here are some good links to start with